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Welcome to the Ontario liberty Worldwide Website.

Our Mission

“It is the wish of God to send you on an errand of preaching to the world. Many nominal Christians there are who, when confronted by difficulties and problems of this world, they run after fetish priests and other powers of darkness for all kinds of assistance. Consequently, on their death, they cannot see Christ because, by their action, Satan has left his spiritual mark on them.”

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Welcome to the Ontario liberty Worldwide Website.

Our Mission

“It is the wish of God to send you on an errand of preaching to the world. Many nominal Christians there are who, when confronted by difficulties and problems of this world, they run after fetish priests and other powers of darkness for all kinds of assistance. Consequently, on their death, they cannot see Christ because, by their action, Satan has left his spiritual mark on them.”

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Welcome to the Ontario liberty Worldwide Website.

Our Mission

“It is the wish of God to send you on an errand of preaching to the world. Many nominal Christians there are who, when confronted by difficulties and problems of this world, they run after fetish priests and other powers of darkness for all kinds of assistance. Consequently, on their death, they cannot see Christ because, by their action, Satan has left his spiritual mark on them.”

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It is hereby emphasized for note that:

The name of the Church, The tenets and mode of worship of the Church, and The service hymns of the Church, which formed the doctrine of the church were all revealed through the Holy Spirit as promised by our Lord Jesus Christ (see John 14:25,26) thus: “These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you”.


It is ordained by the Holy Spirit that:

Members of Celestial Church of Christ are forbidden to engage or participate in:

  1. Any form of idolatry, fetish ceremony or cults, black magic and charms.
  2. Cigarette or tobacco smoking or snuffing or any type of weed smoking or snuffing is forbidden to members of the Celestial Church of Christ.
  3. Consumption of any form of alcohol, wine or any strong drink that can intoxicate is forbidden to members of Celestial Church of Christ as the odour of all these – cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol, etc. – are repugnant to the presence of the Holy Spirit.
  4. Consumption of pork or any food offered as sacrifice to idols or other powers of darkness is forbidden to members of Celestial Church of Christ; Members are forbidden to wear apparels made of black or red materials except for professional reasons.
  5. Members should not wear shoes when wearing their sutana or within the premises of the Church.
  6. Male and female members are forbidden to sit together side by side within the Church and its premises.
  7. Female members cannot enter the Sanctuary without appropriately covering their heads.
  8. Female members during menstruation are not allowed to come within the precincts of the Church until after their sanctification after seven clear days; and where the menstruation extends beyond seven days, two clear days should be allowed for after stoppage before sanctification.
  9. Female members are forbidden from entering the altar area or leading the congregation in worship.
  10. In Celestial Church of Christ, only white candles are to be used. Coloured candles are strictly forbidden.
  11. Fornication and adultery are forbidden in the Celestial Church of Christ.
  12. Holy is the Celestial Church of Christ and all who worship in her should endeavour to be clean in body and in soul.
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There are a number of Holy Rites or Sacrament within the form of worship in Celestial Church of Christ utmost importance.  Members shall avail themselves of the opportunity to partake in these rites or sacraments: Baptism, Holy Communion, Annual Washing of Feet, Annual Pilgrimage to Imeko, Ogun State, Nigeria at Christmas Eve, Annual Harvest Thanksgiving Service, and Holy Mary’s Day.

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