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Welcome to the Ontario liberty Worldwide Website.

Our Mission

“It is the wish of God to send you on an errand of preaching to the world. Many nominal Christians there are who, when confronted by difficulties and problems of this world, they run after fetish priests and other powers of darkness for all kinds of assistance. Consequently, on their death, they cannot see Christ because, by their action, Satan has left his spiritual mark on them.”

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Welcome to the Ontario liberty Worldwide Website.

Our Mission

“It is the wish of God to send you on an errand of preaching to the world. Many nominal Christians there are who, when confronted by difficulties and problems of this world, they run after fetish priests and other powers of darkness for all kinds of assistance. Consequently, on their death, they cannot see Christ because, by their action, Satan has left his spiritual mark on them.”

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Welcome to the Ontario liberty Worldwide Website.

Our Mission

“It is the wish of God to send you on an errand of preaching to the world. Many nominal Christians there are who, when confronted by difficulties and problems of this world, they run after fetish priests and other powers of darkness for all kinds of assistance. Consequently, on their death, they cannot see Christ because, by their action, Satan has left his spiritual mark on them.”

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The Pastor is the Head of the church in all matters, and he is represented at the Parish level by the Shepherd, at the district level by the district supervisor, at the regional level, by the Regional Head, and at the diocesan level by the The Pastor is the Head of the church in all matters, and he is represented at the Parish level by the Shepherd, at the district level by the district supervisor, at the regional level, by the Regional Head, and at the diocesan level by the Head of Diocese.

The first Pastor of the Church was the Founder, Reverend, Pastor and Prophet Samuel Bilehou Oshoffa. Through him, the Lord Jesus Christ raised a number of dead, restored a number of blind, deaf and dumb. He was a great prophet of our time. He was translated at the age of 76 (in 1985) after leading the church for 38 years.

The Pastor is assisted in his administration by:

  • The Board of Trustees
  • The Pastor in Council members
  • Staff of the International Headquarters
  • The Heads of Dioceses, Regional Heads, District Heads, Zonal Heads and Parish Shepherds

At the Parish level, the shepherd is assisted in the administration of the Parish by its Parochial Committee.


The overall machinery for the Government of Celestial Church of Christ, Nigeria Diocese, all other diocese and for the direction of its affairs shall be vested in the Pastor-in-Council (hereafter referred to as “Council”) which is under the ultimate authority of the Pastor.



The Pastor-in-Council, under the Pastor’s authority and constituted in accordance with this Constitution, shall have the final directive on all Church matters relating to the Diocese, including:

(i) Custodianship of the Constitution of Celestial Church of Christ, Nigeria Diocese;

(ii) Amendment and Interpretation of the Constitution of the Church and ensuring its implementation and observation;

(iii) Custodianship of Church Laws and Rules;

(iv) Maintenance and Interpretation of Church Doctrine;

(v) Maintenance of Discipline;

(vi.) Publication of Gospel Diary, Almanacs, Hymn Books Calendars, Church Periodicals and all other Church Literature.

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